Adult Small Groups

Adult Discipleship
Bible Alive: This Sunday morning adult study uses material from Cokesbury's Adult Bible Study Lesson Series, which explores the Biblical message and how to apply it to daily life. Sunday mornings at 9:45 am Room 202.
BookWorms Book Club: A monthly book club that meets in members homes every third Thursday of each month September-May. Contact: Gail Johnson
Page Turners Book Club: A monthly book club that meets at various places in the community every second Thursday of each month. Contact: MJ Pearson.
Men's Breakfast: A weekly gathering of men for breakfast, devotion, and prayer. Saturdays at 8am starting September 12. Contact: John Buckley.
Ruth Circle: A monthly gathering of women on the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am for fellowship, study, and service, September through May. Contact: Diane Wilson.