Peakland is committed to Scouting programs serving children and youth in our community. Over a period of 40 years, Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops have met in our church and continue to do so today.
Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts
Peakland is an active supporter of the Boy Scouts of America. Boy Scout Troop 29 and Cub Scout Pack 29 have been in continuous operation at Peakland since 1959.
Boy Scout Troop 29 is composed of sixth graders who are at least ten and half years old through eighteen years old. The troop has approximately 50 scouts and meets every Monday at 7 p.m.
Cub Scout Pack 29 consists of 1st-5th grade boys. The Cub Scouts are divided into several different dens, which are based on the Scout's grade in school: Tiger Cubs (1st Grade), Wolf Cubs (2nd Grade), Bear Cubs (3rd Grade), Webelos I (4th Grade), and Webelos II (5th Grade).
Girl Scout Progams
The program goals for Girl Scouts include: 1) developing self potential, relating to others to encourage understanding and appreciation of people from all cultures, races, and religions 2) developing values by promoting actions and decisions that show respect for all people 3) contributing to society to work in cooperation with others for the community benefit especially in ways that eliminate discrimination and promote diverse people working or playing together.
Peakland actively supports Daisy (ages 5-6), Brownie (ages 6-8), Junior (ages 8-11), Cadette (ages 11-14) and Senior (ages 14-17) Girl Scout Troops. Individual groups meet at various times during the school year.
For additional information and details please visit the respective sites:
Boy Scouts - Scouting in the Blue Ridge
Boy Scouts of America
Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council
Girl Scouts of the USA
Cub Scout Pack 29